Few unanswered questions those make me write this book…

1.  Where does the sun get so much heat from?  Why will the solar system collapse after 4.5 billion years, and what is the actual cause of it?

2. Why is atmosphere of the earth (troposphere) so cool having only 30 degree C average temperature, while centre of the earth carries 6000 degree C and exosphere (upper thermosphere) carries 2800 degree C temperature? (Within 25 km).

3. How is it possible to possess -90 degree C in  lower thermosphere and 2800 degree C in its upper layer i.e., in exosphere?

4. How is the earth spinning around its axis for 4.5 billion of years? Or who makes the earth to spin around its axis?

5. How is the earth orbiting around the sun? Or who makes the earth to orbit around the sun?

6. How does gravity work or what is the mechanism of pulling objects towards the centre of gravity?

7.  Traditionally it is considered that the origin of planets from the sun is accidental by the hitting of some asteroids with the sun and those discrete materials form the planets and started rotating and spinning. It seems very innocent imagination, because cosmic activities are so perfect and accurate that they must follow the highest geometrical accuracy, never create any system accidentally, logically it is not possible at all. All cosmic oscillation and day-night, seasonal cycles and all creations happen in the most disciplined way, so, there should be  some very perfect process of genesis of material planets. 

7.1. How is gravitational collaboration of the sun and the earth making the earth spinning, orbiting and tilting northern to southern and vice versa simultaneously?

8.  What should a black hole actually be? And how and where does it come from? What is its purpose? Without any cause nothing can be happened in the universe. Fire can’t be seen but smoke is the indication of fire.

9. How are asteroids formed? 

10. What is the cause of huge temperature difference between the core of the sun and outer surface of the sun? As the core of the sun carries 15 million of degree C temperature while outer surface of the sun carries only 6000 degree C. How does it happen? 

11. How does time  work and when does it originate from? Is time endless or not? If time is endless then how will the solar system or the universe collapse? If it does collapse then what would be the fate of time? 

12. What does space actually mean? Is it  vacant by nothing or filled with something? If space is there then where do these vacant places go (during the collapse)? How is the expansion of space possible  to occur without  filling with something? Is there any relationship between time and space?

13.  Without having materials anywhere, is there any possibility to exist gravity?

14. How is minute the smallest part of material  possible to exist? Can fraction of one be lesser than the smallest part of material ? 

15. If everything has an end then why will number go unlimited? If there exists the smallest size of objects (material) then, here should be the end of smallest number. Is there any possibility to exist bigger objects larger than whole one?

16. What are the important factors to govern cosmic everything? What are the basic driving forces?

17. Does light carry heat? Or heat carries sense of light? 

18. Is the sun the source of light or the source of heat basically?

19. How are different frequencies  generated from the same source (sun)?

20.  Is light alone capable to keep the solar system warm? Or is there any other mechanism to carry heat?

21. How does northern and southern oscillation of earth occur? Or is there any role of the moon to make the earth oscillate or tilt north to south and south to north in front of the sun?

22. Why are La Niño position and El Niño position  antipodal? And what should be the cause of  mystery of Bermuda Triangle ? And is there any effect of Bermuda Triangle on La Niño happenings?

24. Why  do we see the one side of the moon? Or why does not the moon spin around its axis? 

25. What makes the moon to orbit around the earth ?

26.  Is there any other role of the moon on the earth except tidal pull? If so, how?

27. Why should  the orbiting path of the moon be oval but one side sufficiently conical ?

28. How does the temperature of the moon differ 300 degree C  between day and night? Why doesn’t the temperature of the earth fluctuate in so diverse range?

29. Is there any cause remain unknown to us to explain the earth moon relationship which effects mostly on the atmosphere of both ?

30. How do materials become transparent? What is the actual cause of transparency? 

31.  Materials (as glass ) are not a barrier of light but non transparency is a barrier of light but why? What is the science of becoming transparent?

32.  The glass is produced from three basic components. All are non transparent then why and how does glass become transparent? Except glass what are other transparent things?

33. Which state of materials makes glass transparent? Should there be structure of materials responsible for transparency?

34.  What is surface tension? How and why does surface of material make material stronger and harder? Is there any component in the universe other than atoms? 

35. By which material should the universe be composed of? what can exist without changing its form in the billions of  degree C temperature? 

36. Is it possible for heat that can  jump billions of miles in empty space? And traditionally it is being called radiation. If it is considered true then there is no possibility that the atmosphere of the earth be so cool, because, radiation is occurring all along day and night. Then is there any unknown science behind it?

37. Is it possible to produce colour by reflection? Traditionally it is considered that we see the materials as they reflect light and we are able to see the object. But question arises how do colours be produced by reflection of light? Or,  Is there any other science behind it?

38.  We know compound light is refracted in prism as a spectrum and fundamental colours (VIBGYOR) become isolated into different band. Then question arises that, does every material act as prism? If so, how? Then what will be the mechanism of reflection?

39. What is the role of glass in a mirror? Because, glass is not a reflector, mercuric sulphate smear behind glass is reflector. Then, do the non transparent objects reflect colours of light? Is it possible?

40.  We know pigments are responsible for colour production. But what is the science behind production of colours by pigment ( how does pigment analyse colours)? Or , how do pigments work to produce so many colours? And by what science blood looks red and chlorophyll looks green? Is chlorophyll green or green frequency of light makes colourless chlorophyll green? What is the working principle of pigment  of Haemoglobin and chlorophyll make them red and green respectively?

40.1. Is colour the property of material or light rays make colourless material coloured?

41. How do organic molecules in pigment make spectrum to produce particular colour by particular object? 

42.  Why do fossil fuels (petrol, diesel, coal) restore energy? What is the necessity of fossil fuel to be organic? What mechanism has been set to contain energy released as heat?

43.  How does the core of the sun carry 15 million degree C heat ? Is it hydrogen helium conversion? If so, how and when did hydrogen and helium come from in the existence in millions of degree temperature in the sun? What comes first heat or elements? 

44. In the centre of the sun it is calculated that the core of the sun carries 15 million degree C temperature. Is it possible to exist atomic structure in this temperature? If no, where does the sun gather so much heat from ?

45. Is it actually possible to carry heat without material? If fractions of materials are essential to carry heat then what are they? If fractions of materials carry heat then how do they jump so long in vacant space? 

46. Photon is considered as carrier of heat traditionally, and it is assumed that it is weightless and it comes along with light but how will it satisfy other scientific interpretations that material can’t move in the speed of light? So, should there be other alternative way to spread heat along the universe?

47. If some unknown factors of carrying heat is there, another problem will be there that huge heat will appear at a time (6000 to 10000 degree C) on earth. As a result, everything of earth will get burnt. Then there should be the most scientific and sophisticated and amazing technology of cosmic intelligence for heat carrying?

48.  It is considered that nebula has given birth to the solar (star) systems but question is from where does nebula get so much heat to give birth billions of stars?

49. Where and how does the centre of gravity exist? Is there any source of heat in the centre of gravity? And if any source of heat is there, then how is the heat collected? 

50. Traditionally atoms and materials are considered, made of solid particles. Then how do solid particles become non particle energy (E=mc2) ? Should there be other form of non particle materials? If other forms of material are there then how do they form hard materials?

51. What is the role of neutron in material world? Or, is there any importance of neutrons in atomic activities?

52. Is atom competent to produce electricity internally ? If not how nerve impulses or cardiac impulses are formed in regular intervals? And how is static electricity produced?

53. How do electricity and electron flow in opposite direction? As, protons are fixed in the nucleus of atoms (according to traditional concept). Is there any contradiction between theory and practical application of this concept? There is no clear explanation, how electricity moves.

54. What does cosmic time actually mean? And what is cosmic space? Who is actually expanding or proceeding? Is it time or space? There is a great illusion. Does time depend on space or space depends on time? Or, are time and space same thing ?

55. Is the space vacant by nothing? If so, then how do electromagnetic force and gravity and time function there? Is it possible for time to keep space vacant or without any activity? Or is it possible for space to expand leaving space by nothing?

56. How do air molecules float? And most of the gaseous molecules contain hydrogen and oxygen atom if it is compound (CO2, NO2, CH4).  Actually, what makes gaseous molecules afloat? Should there be any other mechanism that can explain it in a better way and scientifically? 

57. Are atomic structures naked? Or,   Do atoms have surface? What is the surface of atom made of?

58. Does time end somehow? If not, how does the solar system or universe come to an end? Or, is there any cause to commit the end of the universe? If the universe does not collapse what will be the fate of the universe while one by one star collapses to end? Because, as per scientific calculations the earth will collapse after 4.5 billion years.

59. Is it scientifically right that black objects absorb light? Is light absorbable? If rays of lights are absorbed then an umbrella would have been discomfortable for a user, logically and scientifically there are some contradictions with the science of black colour. If energy is absorbable then energy would have been stored, but it is impossible.

60. Is protoplasmic prism is possible? If possible, what will be the mechanism of formation of plasma prism? If prism is there, it should be transparent. And if we consider particle concept of atomic structure then how does particle allow light to pass through glass?

61. In - 273 degree C temperature the volume of gases calculated zero, if it is true then what will be the fate of the gaseous molecules? Is it possible to imagine its picture and science behind it?

62. Is it possible to explain mystery of Bermuda Triangle? Is there any correlation between La Niño anomaly and Bermuda Triangle effect ?

63. How do inorganic elements and materials act in living material? How does it become possible for non living materials to convert it into living materials?

64. Why does the polar direction of earth never displaced by cosmic anomaly or tectonic disorder? Why does north hemisphere of the earth contains major portions of land?

65. Why should this universe be called NEUTRON UNIVERSE ? Do electrons and protons depend on neutrons for their activities, somehow?


— Ashutosh Sarkar, Author